
Hourly Rate
The best to start
/per hour
Great for ad-hoc or smaller tasks
No long term commitment
Ideal choice if you know you'd like a set number of hours each month
/per hour
Enables you to manage your budget
Secures my availability
Hours can be adjusted to suit you
Bespoke Package
Available for specific tasks or projects
Price on request
Fixed price for a set task
Perfect for event organisation

The Finer Points...

For hourly and retainer clients I track my time, round up to the nearest 15 minutes and send you a time report with your invoice so you can see a full breakdown of hours. 

So you don’t receive any surprises at the end of the month, I’ll inform you as soon as we’re nearing the end of your retained hours.  

It is possible to increase your retainer hours as and when needed (subject to my availability). 

Can’t see a pricing structure to suit? No worries, please contact me to discuss your requirements!